Orbit solar pumps offer incredible feature couple with excellent performance, thus making distinctive mark in the pump market. Ranging from 1 HP – 50 Hp, we offer solar submersible pump, solar surface mono block pump and solar open – well pump.

Orbit solar has always been a pioneer in state of the art technology which helps in which use on solar energy efficient, reliable and durable solar pumps. We offer hybrid solar pumps which use one on solar energy in the day and electricity in the night. Our solar water pumps are stand –alone system operating on power generating using highly efficient photo – voltaic (PV) system.


  Three phase low voltage and high voltage AC submersible pump

  MPPT VFD pump controller

  Low maintenance of pump

  AC and DC motor

  Soft starter feature prevent water hammering and increase system life

  Easy to install

  GI structure with the manually movable option

 Solar Pumps Model

  Solar Submersible Pumps(1 HP – 50 HP)

  Solar Open Well Pumps(3 HP – 10 hp)

  Solar Mono block Pumps(1HP – 10 HP)



  Domestic & industrial water supply


  Sprinkler systems

 Challenges Of Indian Farmer

  Inconsistent Water Supply

  Errantic power supply

  High electricity / Diesel cost

  High pumps maintenance cost

  Depleting water table


NADI, The 5 HP submersible smart Dc solar pump from STANLEY Earth, empowers framers in india with over 100,000* liters of water per day to irrigate their farmers. Based on a technology platform that incorporates lo T to enable smart irrigation, STANLEY Earth ensures installation excellence that is backed by strong technical support.


  100,000 * liters of the water everyday

  Zero electricity / Diesel cost

  Low maintenance / Repair cost

  Multiple crops A year / Smart irrigation

  Grid connectivity for additional revenue

  Cloud connectivity for preventive maintenance / Sensors

  Mobile connectivity for SMS ON/OFF


  BLDC MOTOR : 5 HP DC Motor , High Efficiency, low maintenance, Corrosion Resistant

  CONTROLLER : IOT Interface, ON/OFF Through SMS, over 98% Efficiency

  PUMP : Stainless steel , Up to 150m Head , submersible, water monitoring technology

  OTHER ACCESSORIES : Structure, Cable and Pipes